An Emerging Africa-Europe Agenda for Ocean Governance and Blue Economy

Ocean governance and the blue economy are receiving increased international attention and recognition for their potential to strengthen local economies, mitigate climate change, and restore biodiversity. To fully embrace the opportunity this presents, both the African and European Unions have identified the critical need for cross-continental cooperation to bolster relevant knowledge and capacities in the sector.

To this end, on 28 April 2023, the Africa-Europe Foundation organised a high-level discussion to kick-start a new Africa-Europe Strategy Group on Ocean Governance and Blue Economy. It brought together actors from across continents and organisations to explore the scope of activity the partnership could and should embrace.

The meeting offered an opportunity for African and European Union Institutions – represented by AU Commissioner Josefa Sacko and EU DG MARE Director-General Charlina Vitcheva – to detail their expectations for the cross-continental partnership. Both parties underscored the same three major priorities:

  • Coordinating the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean resources;
  • Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in the sector, and in small-scale fisheries in particular; and
  • Fostering sustainable economic development, including through the ‘Centres of Excellence in Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa’.


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